Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nursing dress

You know how half your wardrobe gets put away or ruined while nursing? Or you have to hide in a closet and hike your dress up to your chin to get baby fed? Or better yet...putting him in there. Ha ha! Well folks, problem solved. I was scared to pieces to try it, but it was so easy! It took seriously 10 minutes total!
1. Old fitted t-shirt
2. Dress (mine is stretchy t-shirt fabric too)
3. If length of the dress is important to you, make sure you have an 1-2inches to play with...this is not a dress you can just keep pulling on to make long enough after the fact.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chocolate Husband.

Best, cheap-o gift ever. you could make this super innocent with a different tag attached that said "Happy Birthday dearest 1-year-old. Make your mother's life a living nightmare by smearing this all over your highchair, you will have a blast and your mother will curse my name as she scrubs chocolate out of the new white carpet." perfect.

Make the other little gift-y in this pic by clicking here.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pull here for good times.

This is so easy, and I can't believe I came up with it...Thanks a lot pintrest for NOTHING! I had to get along without you and now I'm adding to the craziness.

P.S. Nasty nail job not required. See HUSBAND FOR DESSERT for other cheap-o gift pictured above.